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How Your Bolton Dental Practice can Improve your Teeth and Oral Health

This November the Digital Health website reported that the Bolton NHS Foundation is introducing a ‘virtual’ eye clinic, which will provide Bolton residents with an eye test that is so sophisticated it doesn’t have to be performed by an experienced optician! Nothing like this exists for teeth.

There is no substitute for having your teeth examined by a professional dentist at your Bolton dental practice. However, due to our personal approach and commitment to providing great customer service, we will do our best to arrange an appointment time that’s convenient for you.

The importance of regular visits to your local dental practice in Bolton

A staggering percentage of the British public confessed in a recent Smile Month Survey that they haven’t visited a dentist in over 2 years. This might not seem like a big deal, especially if you appear to have no dental issues and you’re certainly not in pain, but do you know the extent of the dental problems you could be building up for yourself in the future?

Food deposits that are not properly removed from your teeth through brushing can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. How sure are you that you’re removing every last food deposit from your mouth with your toothbrush. If you have any alignment issues with your teeth, you’re at an even higher risk of trapping food in your mouth.

Tooth decay left untreated leads to cavities and plaque that is left untreated leads to gum disease. The consequences of this are not only swollen, sore gums, but in extreme cases have been associated with heart disease and diabetes!

An annual visit to your dentist for a professional clean and examination will ensure that you and your teeth remain healthy. 30 minutes with your dentist could save you a lot of time, pain and money in the future. We welcome all new patients to our Bolton dental practice. Additionally, you can visit our hygienists.

Choosing cosmetic dentistry can boost your confidence

In addition to the general dentistry treatments we offer, we can help you feel better about your teeth and boost the confidence you have in your appearance, by fixing any broken teeth, brightening them and providing you with replacement teeth if you have lost any. Our personalised smile makeover service, will ensure that your smile is as attractive as it can be!

If you’d like to find out just beautiful your smile could be and check that your teeth are healthy, please come and join our Bolton dental practice! You can contact us online, give us a ring, or simply pop in. During your initial examination, we’ll be able to assess your teeth and give you a report on the state of your oral health.

You can also read more about the reasons you should choose our dental practice in one of our other blogs.

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