Top 3 benefits of adult orthodontic treatment in Bolton
How long have your crooked teeth been a frustration for you? Do you perceive everybody else’s smile to be more attractive than yours, even though that may not necessarily be the case? If so, letting this eat away at your confidence can have a detrimental effect on your mental health.
Adult teeth that came through in a wonky alignment are usually due to hereditary factors, which may or may be linked to your bite. Sucking your thumb as a child may have exacerbated your malignment, given that pressure applied to teeth is what changes their position; both in a negative way and a positive way (via braces).
If you’ve noticed that your teeth have shifted out of alignment in recent years, this is not uncommon. It’s due to years of chewing and biting motions. Additionally, if you have lost a tooth and not had it replaced, you might find that your remaining teeth have spread into the gap. Today we’re going to look at the top benefits of adult orthodontics in Bolton and why you can’t afford to delay this vital treatment.
3 Benefits of getting orthodontic treatment
- Adult braces will give you a more beautiful smile. Straighter teeth are more aesthetically pleasing and in many recruitment and career surveys, company bosses have confessed that having an attractive smile has subconsciously influenced who gets chosen for promotion, or hired.
- Having straighter teeth eliminates the number of hidden tooth surfaces that are created when teeth overlap. It’s in these crevices that food can get trapped and become hard to reach by your toothbrush, leading to tooth decay and gum disease. Bearing in mind that gum disease can be linked to both strokes and heart disease, it’s even more worth looking into having braces fitted, if you are aware that your teeth would benefit from them.
- Adult orthodontics from our Bolton dental clinic can help reduce bite problems. Issues that arise from having an over or underbite can cause jaw pain and headaches. Bringing your teeth into alignment and consequently improving the position of your bite, should stop any discomfort you’re feeling.
We can provide you with a range of braces to suit your lifestyle preferences. You might want discreet, clear braces, braces that will straighten your teeth fast, or traditional, low cost braces. You could even opt for veneers. We can help you make the best selection and and talk you through the fitting and adjustment process when you book your initial consultation with us. If you feel that you would benefit from adult orthodontic treatment, please get in touch with our Bolton office.
For more information about getting adult braces in Harwood, Bolton, please contact Harwood Dental Care today! Call us on 01204 304568, email info@harwooddentalcare.co.uk or complete our appointment form.
You can also find out about whether getting adult braces is a good decision in one of our other blogs.